Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Red Moon Rising

Glad to know what this fellow is thinking about whilst protecting our border.(posted by Alissa)

"Illegal border crossers must confront face a new challange on their quest for the American Dream. An ancient predator stalks the desert night, and they hunger...for blood."

Genre: Thriller/Horror

Border Patrol Agent Tony Reed investigates the brutal murders of three of his fellow agents, apparent victims of drug cartel hit men. He soon discovers that Vampires stalk the desert night, and they feed upon the illegal immigrants crossing the U.S. / Mexico border. Tony along with tribal members of the Tohono O'odham and Yaqui Nations hunt the coven of vampires which hides atop the Native American sacred mountain known as Otam Kawi, Skeleton Mountain.

The script was inspired from my current duty assignment with Border Patrol as a contracted Transportation Officer in Tucson, AZ.

Daniel I. Gasque

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

2 from andrew

These puppies were submitted to Cory through craigslist. Looks to me like this guy wrote a script, and then a script about writing that script- though I assume it is mostly fictional. Lord.

Journey To The Green Monster is about two teen going Cross Country from California to Boston. They are running from their troubled pasts. Soon they will be running from the mob and the FBI.

After eleven years, Vinnie's father, a famous mob boss, is getting out of jail. When Vinnie was a child he saw his father cutting up a body in the basement. He hasn't spoken to him since. He never told anyone
Joel's mother died when he was young. His father abused him, mentally and physically for most of his life.
Before graduation, both boys head towards Boston to catch a redsox game and for Joel to see the house where his mother grew up. Little known to Vinnie Joel killed his father before he left.
After finding out the money they were suppose to survive on was spent, and knowing he can't go back, Joel pulls out a gun and robs a convenient store. This sends the boys on a thrilling crash course with the FBI and Mob as they streak across the country towards Boston.


After losing her husband a courageous woman, Mary Beth Andrews, will risk it all by taking her husbands lost dream across the country to Los Angeles.
After twenty years of marriage, Eben, Mary Beth's Husband, confesses to Mary Beth that he wants to desert his successful business and good friends in Boston to try out his passion, screen writing In Los Angeles. He had just finished his first script, Journey To The Green Monster, and felt it was what he had to do. Mary Beth argued the idea to her last breath. A heated argument followed. Ultimately ending when Mary Beth informed Eben she is pregnant.
Eben being the man he is, buries his passion for writing and stays in Boston. A few days later Eben dies.
A few months later we find Mary Beth alone at her cottage in the middle of the Cape Cod. In the height of winter, Mary Beth soaks in her misery. Through the darkness comes a package for her late husband.
This package will ultimately send Mary Beth on the craziest journey of her life. She heads cross country to get Eben's script sold or made for him. In her journeys she meets Jasmine and Joshua who will help her deal with the harsh realities of Hollywood, and help her learn to trust love again.

Let me know if you like the ideas. I'm getting some interest for Journey but now it looks shaky. Both are strong stories with endless possibilities. If not, I wish you the best of luck.



Potential Book - Manuscript Query Letter

*Special BOOK query!* This is a quarry letter I received while working for a literary agent (books, not films). Essentially, this makes no sense at all. One would think that if you were trying to get an agent to represent your book, that you might first make sure your quarry letter was written in passable English. This isn't. Also - this woman has other works published; what?! I've never been more blown away in my life.(posted by Dylan)

Dear Ms. Liss,

I've just completed a novel entitled The Fleets of Seldom and am now seeking representation. Here's a synopsis:

The Fleets of Seldom is a modern domestic drama soaked in classical, mythical blood. The novel is a non-linear narrative of 9 chapter; each chapter focuses on a specific character and is of that character's viewpoint. The Fleets live in the fictional desert town of Seldom, Arizona (a town surrounded with shifting sands and underneath those sands are skeletons, weapons, cockpits, rudders, fish hooks, dice, a tuba, anything). Olivia Fleet, the center of this family, the hub of it: after her husband's death 15 summers previous, she made decisions that seemed smart at the time, but which now have potent consequences, mostly impacting her two children, Caitlin and Caleb. Caitlin: a relentlessly sweet and sane girl, but inside her is a cauldron and it is now tipping. Caleb: a boy caught with Hustler and Aeschylus. After their father's death and their mother's deliberate walling in of pain and grief, these siblings become too close and their closeness is damaging and in this story comes to its ultimatum (and after their night of awful paradise, Caitlin despairs, but Caleb is liberated - though they were lead to believe the opposite would happen). Here too: Jamie Smithy, a clean cut and proper seeming guy who collides with the adult Caitlin and becomes tangled in the Fleet family (and tangled into Caleb's fury and envy; Caleb attacks Jamie the night before the wedding, but oddly, Jamie welcomes this beating - there is a cracked heard under his mild surface). Here too: David Gambrel, a pianist who has lost his wow and who has almost lost his hands (teaching at a school in Kandahar when a suicide truck bomb blows it apart, blows apart the piano he's sitting at); he comes home to Seldom (his mother is suffering from dementia) and there is the Olivia of his memory (and how his memory of her lifts her and it is to David that she releases her grief at last; "Mourn now," says David).

Scenes in one character's chapter are echoed and overlap in another character's chapter (dialogue often used as a cue; for example, the day of the husband/father's death is seen through Olivia's eyes and child Caitlin's eyes and then merely as what was told to Caleb when he became old enough to understand). Stitched through with blood imagery (split lip, cut skin, a body broken on seashore rocks), The Fleets of Seldom is about borders crossed or borders avoided and what results from these choices.

My fiction has been published in current or recent issues of Pebble Lake Review, Salt Hill, The First Line, The Bullfight Review, Harpur Palate,,, One of my stories has been recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize. I'm a graduate of The College of Santa Fe, NM, but have since lived in my native Arizona.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Which Christ?

Honestly I am posting this, having not read past the first sentence. And can be counted on to continue to post, blindly, anything that the author calls "Christian Fiction", contains amazing punning as "criss-cross" and involves wild spelling errors. That, to me, indicates passion in writing this query.(posted by Alissa)

"The lives of two men, J.C. and his cousin Jesus, criss-cross. One man, Jesus is determined to reap havoc on the "powers to be" for the beheading murder of his other cousin John the baptist. The other man J.C. is destined to die for the sins of all mankind, but not if his mother Mary has anything to say about it!"

Genre: Christian Fiction

Which Christ? is the trial of a man whose witness testimony against him paints a picture of one family's reluvtant, deliberate involvement, participation in events that lead up to a verdict that marks the beginnging, ending of the world as we know, perceive it.

The story originated during my stint as a Jehovah's Witness. After reading the story about the life of Jesus over and over countless times, I concluded that the writers of the four gospels were either writing about two different men or the son of God was mostly human and suffered from multiple personality disorder.

Into the Sunset

You lost me at "karaoke."(posted by Alissa)

Logline: Charged with stalking his dream girl, Charlie relies on best friend Shania to help win her over. But scheming Shania secretly loves Charlie, and her "helpful advice" seeks to make Charlie fall in love with her instead.


What would you do to win over the person of your dreams?

Hopeless idealist and anime aficionado Charlie Welshman will do anything to win Flavia's heart. But after being convicted of stalking his dream girl, his best friend and roommate Shania, takes over responsibility for him. A no-nonsense junior accountant, Shania promises to help Charlie achieve nirvana by giving him the social tools needed to win Flavia over.

But Shania has dreams of her own, and her "help" is really designed to cure Charlie of his Flavia fantasy by making him fall in love with her instead. Unfortunately her plans tend to backfire in unexpected ways, and she ends up giving him genuine confidence that he can steal Flavia's heart. Desperate to stop this from happening, Shania convinces Flavia's ex, Seth, to get back together with Flavia again. After seeing Flavia with Seth, a discouraged Charlie finally agrees to seek treatment for his Flavia "addiction."

When the person treating Charlie reveals that Shania loves him, Charlie, angered by her betrayal, breaks off their friendship. But he soon realizes that Shania holds the key to winning Flavia, since only she knows what makes a girl fall in love with him. Charlie and Shania cut a deal whereby Shania will help Charlie get a genuine shot at winning over Flavia by helping him put his best foot forward. If it doesn't work out, then Charlie agrees to be with Shania.

On Shania's advice, they got to a karaoke bar where Charlie sings his heart out for Flavia, Flavia recompenses him with a smile. Shania, who realizes the game is up, runs away, heartbroken. Charlie searches for her desperately but can't find her. He calls 911 but before he can report her as a missing person he receives a text message from Flavia asking to meet in the park. Charlie runs off, dropping his cell phone. When Shania returns to the apartment and reads the message on his cell, she swallows a bottle of painkillers and lies down to die, facing the setting sun.

The movie ends with Charlie and Flavia in the park, walking into the sunset, as the haunting siren of the ambulance carrying a dying Shania fades out in the distance.

Draconian Fire Of Light

As far as the author's promise that "Draconian Fire Of Light has mainstream appeal and commercially viable" I can't see any flaw in that statement given the following information:(posted by Alissa)

Screenplay Draconian Fire Of Light.

"A great story is about to unfold.
A journey of awe, wonder, amazement, fellowship and adventure is ready.
Destiny begins now."

I am seeking your financial support and expertise in producing Draconian Fire Of Light.

Genre Action / Adventure.

Joseph cares deeply for his grandma who is very ill.

Joseph joins Draconian a dragon to get help for her in the Mountain Of Mysteries.

Pirates and other amazing allies will join them on this great journey.

Tryseeion and Razor (both dragons) hate Draconian and his supporters.

They want to destroy them at all costs!

A powerful, unique, action adventure screenplay with loveable characters.
Draconian Fire Of Light has mainstream appeal and commercially viable.

Thank you.

Jonathan Friis

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Loyalist Hussy

I think it would be an injustice not to make a movie with such a catchy title. And set in 1780.(posted by Alissa)

"Five years into the American Revolution, an unyielding headhunter from Washington's Army sets out on a violent, determined trek across the Northeast to find the elusive prostitute accusing him of conspiring with British forces."

John Winslow, a Loyalist headhunter for the Continental Army, hunts down an elusive prostitute after she soils his name to his superiors. The prostitute, a Loyalist, has accused Winslow of betraying the American rebellion in order to undermine his success. Winslow, shocked and outraged at the hussy's attack, vows to silence the girl. Over the course of his long, violent trek, he callously risks his life, and the lives of others, in order to complete this personal mission. The story takes place in October of 1780, taking the characters from upstate New York to the coast of Rhode Island.

Christopher Kapica

Monday, May 11, 2009

soon enough

I was sick and have a bunch of queries to go through... there's bound to be something good!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Sorry I got carried away. That is not exactly a ghost noise. But here we are with another creative ghost story. Haunted furniture... imagine the action. The suspense. The cracking varnish as the loveseat dons a wicked smile...
OKay I am getting too excited. Here's the query:

Query for "Knots"

"Haunting spirits push four families down the chilliing path of their antique furniture till they reach the same location and horrific discovery from where the wood orginated. Together they try to right the wrong and settle the spirits in an attempt to get their lives back to normal."

Genre: Super Natural/Ghost Story

Four seperate families purchase antique furniture from seperate vendors. Then find out over time that the furniture is haunted because of the past of the wood and from where it was harvested. They all set out in seperate directions, only to find themselves together in the same town. All with the same knowledge of the spirits or so they think.

I would like to submit this screenplay for your consideration and can be contacted as listed below.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Wait... what? Mr McLau- Charlie, if I may: sometimes it helps to give just a little more information in your query. Your reader, then will be left saying "I want to hear more!" instead of "Wait... what?" Just some constructive criticism.

"An arrogant businessman takes a nightmarish, life changing trip to a wacky island full of the bizarre and macabre where anything can and probably will happen in this offbeat supernatural comedy simply because he failed to read the brochure..."

Genre: Comedy

Roger Mills is sent on an urgent business trip to save his job, company and upcoming wedding. However, Roger is struck on the head by a strange bolt of blue lightning that has a life altering effect on him. First to go his is luck; it goes from incredible to no luck at all. He has a hell of a time reaching the island and once there if he thought his troubles were over; he had better think again as he is arrested and charged with the ancient law of Lifesaving.

Charlie McLaughlin


That word "polishing" always gets me. Means the script is nice and tight. I don't see how this simple plot could not be in such a state. I know my co-quarrier cory (oh man that is an awesome set of words) is going to want to consider this for a table read.

We have just finished polishing KUNG FU JESUS, a comedy which follows Jesus, after the resurrection, permanently returned to earth. He is bestowed the powers of kung fu and time travel. The stress of family added with the constant badgering by Pontius Pilate, compel Kung Fu Jesus into the future. Wherein, he connects with many colorful characters and also finds himself caught in the cross hairs of corporate recruitment and IRS investigations. Trapped in this double life, biblical and modern, Kung Fu Jesus is perilously close to wrecking God's Plan.

Gregory A. Poole

Kyle A. Clark