Friday, May 22, 2009

Which Christ?

Honestly I am posting this, having not read past the first sentence. And can be counted on to continue to post, blindly, anything that the author calls "Christian Fiction", contains amazing punning as "criss-cross" and involves wild spelling errors. That, to me, indicates passion in writing this query.(posted by Alissa)

"The lives of two men, J.C. and his cousin Jesus, criss-cross. One man, Jesus is determined to reap havoc on the "powers to be" for the beheading murder of his other cousin John the baptist. The other man J.C. is destined to die for the sins of all mankind, but not if his mother Mary has anything to say about it!"

Genre: Christian Fiction

Which Christ? is the trial of a man whose witness testimony against him paints a picture of one family's reluvtant, deliberate involvement, participation in events that lead up to a verdict that marks the beginnging, ending of the world as we know, perceive it.

The story originated during my stint as a Jehovah's Witness. After reading the story about the life of Jesus over and over countless times, I concluded that the writers of the four gospels were either writing about two different men or the son of God was mostly human and suffered from multiple personality disorder.

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