Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Sorry I got carried away. That is not exactly a ghost noise. But here we are with another creative ghost story. Haunted furniture... imagine the action. The suspense. The cracking varnish as the loveseat dons a wicked smile...
OKay I am getting too excited. Here's the query:

Query for "Knots"

"Haunting spirits push four families down the chilliing path of their antique furniture till they reach the same location and horrific discovery from where the wood orginated. Together they try to right the wrong and settle the spirits in an attempt to get their lives back to normal."

Genre: Super Natural/Ghost Story

Four seperate families purchase antique furniture from seperate vendors. Then find out over time that the furniture is haunted because of the past of the wood and from where it was harvested. They all set out in seperate directions, only to find themselves together in the same town. All with the same knowledge of the spirits or so they think.

I would like to submit this screenplay for your consideration and can be contacted as listed below.


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